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Major Attributes of Leadership

One of my all-time favorite books is Napoleon Hill's; "Think and Grow Rich." Hill was an American "self-help" author in the early 1900's who dedicated his work to the self-development of his readers. He studied and shadowed hundreds of people who many may consider successful. Despite the title of his top-selling publication, "Think and Grow Rich" has more to do with the science of accomplishment. In it, he identifies the 11 Major Attributes of Leadership identified throughout his studies. Interestingly enough, although the book was published in 1937, many of the attributes are recognized amongst those who you may deem leaders in modern day. Here they are:

1. Unwaivering Courage

2. Self- Control

Put simply, if you cannot control yourself then you can never control others. Self-control is a must in leadership

3. Keen Sense of Justice

Essential for leadership in any calling. Otherwise you will lose the respect of your followers.

4. Definiteness of Decision

If you do not make strong decisions then you are unsure – people do not follow one who is unsure.

5. Definiteness of Plans

You must plan your work and work your plan. Otherwise you are moving by guesswork and will eventually fail.

6. Habit of doing more than Paid For

Hill found that all leaders who succeed in an outstanding way are always willing to do more than they require from their followers.

7. Pleasing Personality

This is needed to get the respect of followers (whether these be customers, workers or shareholders) and is essential.

8. Sympathy and Understanding

A successful leader must be in sympathy with his or her followers and understand their problems.

9. Mastery of Detail

All great leaders know every single detail of their position to the most minute detail. They master whatever is expected of them.

10. Willingness to Assume Full Responsibility

A successful leader must be willing to be responsible for the mistakes and shortcomings of their followers. If a follower has failed he must consider that he or she has failed and do whatever it takes to put it right.

11. Cooperation

This is essential. As well as co-operating with others a successful leader must also induce his/her followers to co-operate. Leadership calls for power and power is only available through the help of others which requires co-operation.

Regardless of whether or not you identify yourself as a 'leader', the development of the attributes listed above are beneficial in anyone's self-development. Stop worrying about the tangible things, like the money or the qualifications, or whatever it is that is holding you back from whatever it is that you desire. Once you disconnect from the lack of tangible resources and work towards the development of the intangible resources - that can be defined as your CHARACTER, the rest will fall into play. Take a look inside and become resource-FUL. Use the above list to analyze yourself - value each attribute 1-10. Commit to improve in those areas you lack. Make sure you prioritize the attributes (or resources) that you are low, and be creative with your strategies of development.

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." -Vince Lombardi

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